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Debt Advice

With the Christmas holidays rapidly approaching we can sometimes spend a bit more than we can truthfully afford. This can lead to financial hardship and debt during the start of the next year. Being in demolition we have to be safety conscious in all of the work that we do. Saying this, physical injuries are not the only dangers out there that can affect our employees and in turn our business. Debt is one of the most common causes of stress, which can lead to mental illness if left unaddressed. That is why we have been in contact with one of the UK’s leading debt advice charities, Step Change. We have approached them to ask if they can send us some information that we can issue our employees across our sites and through the entire group on what they can do if they are struggling with debt.

The head of our HR department Sarah Clark said that “The financial wellbeing of all our staff, from the site workers up to the directors has an effect on the business. This is why at this time of year we are putting a hand out to the people that help build our business to see if they need any help or advice when it comes to debt” Sarah went on to say that, “If anyone working for us either directly or indirectly is affected with debt then I urge you to get in touch with us and we can point you towards some free advice on how to help. My team are always around to help you get the advice you need.”

Please don’t suffer in silence as there are options for everyone and for every situation.

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