As clients look for the commercial and programme benefits that are available through the clustering of early-stage works packages, it is of paramount importance that their delivery partners are competent in a broad range of civils enabling services. Downwell provide such competencies and have an experienced engineering management team that undertake these works as a logical continuation of a demolition project, or as a stand-alone delivery model, dependent on the client’s requirements.
The full range of enabling services offered by Downwell include:
- Piling Enablement (inclusive of oversite breakout, probing, platform installation & attendance)
- Haul Road construction
- Piling (Bored, CFA & Driven)
- Sheet Piling
- Drainage Installation
- Basement Box Excavation & Construction
- Basement Box Temporary Works Solutions
- Reinforced Concrete Works generally
- Site Remediation (On / Off site)
- Bulk Excavation