Garage Demolition in London and the South East
Downwell works with a large number of local authorities and developers to carry out garage demolition. There are inevitably other issues other than just knocking the garages down. These are
Rubbish removal including contaminated materials
Many of these garages are often full up with a variety of rubbish, and invariably the owner has not removed. The type of waste can include dangerous chemical or contaminates. We, therefore, have to be very careful and carry out testing before removal.
Needles and syringes
Where drug users have used garages or the surrounding area, there are often needles and syringes. Therefore in conjunction with our Inner City Environmental we will carry our sharps and needles sweeps as well as environmental cleaning.
A lot of garages will have asbestos roof sheets which have to be removed under controlled conditions by our Inner City Environmental. The roof sheets have to be sprayed and removed carefully without breaking. This work is carried out by operatives working from podiums in full PPE and cutting the bolt fixings. The asbestos sheets are then removed and wrapped before being placed in sealed bins for removal.
Abandoned vehicles
We have had instances where vehicles have been dumped and stop us from carrying out works. These have to be traced to their owners and removed before work can start.
Sometimes we will have to remove vehicles from garages.
Neighbouring properties
In a lot of instances, adjoining properties will use the garage walls as their boundary and attach outbuildings too. We are always mindful of this as it can cause problems for the people owning that property.
Downwell can provide a complete service
The Downwell Group can offer a comprehensive service which includes dealing with all of the above. Demolition is in a lot of cases just down to the slab, which means the area can become parking spaces. Once the garages have gone, it often opens up the area which is then not so attractive for anti-social behaviour.
We can remove slab and foundations if required.
Downwell are happy to look at demolishing single garages or outbuildings.
The garage demolition is carried out by NFDC trained operatives. Inner City Environmental hold a 3 year HSE asbestos licence.
For tender enquiries please contact our business development director Rob Young
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