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RISQS Exemplary Accreditation

By October 9, 2015Corporate


We are pleased to announce that we have successfully passed our Achilles RISQS Audit with an exemplary record.

The initial assessment involved us demonstrating to the auditor that we are able to work to the strict standards which would be expected if we undertook railway projects. We achieved this successfully by proving that Downwell has the right documentation, procedures and processes in place.

RISQS (Rail Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) is the UK rail industry’s registration and pre-qualification scheme. It is a single entry point for organisations to supply products and services to more than 110 buying organisations from the rail industry, including Network Rail.

Our successful RISQS audit is great news for our business and means that we can now proceed with a number of rail contract projects that we are currently tendering for.

Should you wish to contact us regarding what rail services we can provide please send us an enquiry email at

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