Cycle safety
We have recently sent all of our HGV drivers on a cycle safety and awareness course. This is part of Downwell’s ongoing commitment to improving the safety on the roads that we share with the other users. The course is the Driver CPC Safe Urban Driving Workshop and was developed by TFL (Transport for London) to promote the safety and the sharing with vulnerable road users in London with a particular focus on cyclists.
The course is aimed at all drivers of HGV vehicles and vans and was provided by Cycle Confident Ltd. It is over 7 hours with 3.5 hours in the classroom and the other 3.5 hours out cycling on the road.
The course was a great success with the drivers that attended saying they came away with a better understanding of how the road is used from the cyclists perspective.
Not only does this training increase our drivers awareness whilst using the roads it also is a part of the requirements for the FORS Silver accreditation